Get your business listed

If you own a business in a country of the Indian Ocean, creating a business listing on the online Yellow Pages directory of your country will increase the online visibility of your company and brand online. For Search Engine Optimisation a web link from Yellow Pages can only help your efforts to increase your online ranking. Listing your business is straightforward, but our team can assist you for a small fee if necessary.

Yellow Pages IO is operated by MYP Online Marketing, and is also the operator of Mauritius Yellow Pages (; a new generation of online business directories. The MYP business listing is more than the traditional listing with the basic company name, phone number and address. Our listings are comprehensive, providing background information about companies, mission and vision statements, links to websites and social media pages, opening hours, products and brands carried, Google maps location and so much more!

An example of the features of business listing plans on includes business tools such as YellowMail, dedicated QR codes and Banner adverts, Coupons and Job vacancy announcements to mention just a few.